筑波大学 特別支援教育 教材・指導法データベース

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Database on Educational Materials and Instruction Method for Special Needs Education, University of Tsukuba
Through the Cooperation among the the Five Affiliated Schools for Special Needs Education,
Department of Disability Sciences and the Group for Cooperative Promotion of Special Needs Education, University of Tsukuba.

From FY2012, the Group for Cooperative Promotion of Special Needs Education (the Special Needs Education Research Center) has been preparing a database on education materials and instruction methods that can be utilized in special needs education. The education materials and instruction method included have all been actually used in five schools for special needs education affiliated with the University of Tsukuba.

ご利用にあたって For using the database

The education materials and instruction method included in the database were created according to the characteristics of each child, pupil and student. Please use them as a reference. We recommend considering the characteristics of the actual child, pupil and student for which the information is used.

The copyrights for all the information included in the database is held by the Group for Cooperative Promotion of Special Needs Education, University of Tsukuba. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
               NEW! スマートフォンでも見やすくなりました!


教材・指導法データベース アンケートのお願い

Thank you for using Database of Teaching Materials and Methods for Special Needs Education Univ. of TSUKUBA. We are planning have a questionanaire to obtain the usage situation and accelerate the use of our database.


# 特別支援 教材  #特別支援教育 指導法
# データベース
# Educational Materials Special Needs Education